WOW - Thank you every so much - I do struggle sometimes, for some reason when
I tried to do this "my way" I kept getting repeats - again thank you,
Maurice (K9CE)

"B. R.Ramachandran" wrote:

> Hi,
> Let's say that your list is in A1:A1596. Create a helper column, say
> B1:B1596 as follows:
> In B1, enter the formula =RAND(), and drag the formula down the column to
> B1597. Select B2:B1596, and in the SAME column, "Copy" --> "Edit
> Special"-->"Values".
> Now select both the columns and sort by column B (ascending or descending).
> Regards,
> B. R. Ramachandran
> "K9CE" wrote:
> > I have a listing ordered from 1 to 1596 that I would like to re-order -
> > randomize such that no one item in the list is repeated.
> > I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2003
> >