Hello Ewan,
Did it and even copy/pasted yr string and I still get 0,WEEKS whatever the
number is entered.
I found that I could get to display WK 20 easily, probably due to this being
reserved for currency marking, no more than two digits though. So I will
stick to this.
Thanks anyway.

"ewan7279" wrote:

> Hi Pierre,
> Select the column in which your numbers will be entered. Right-click the
> mouse on the selection, select Format Cells, then the number tab and select
> Custom from the list. In the Type box, enter: #,##0 "WEEKS". This will now
> display 20 WEEKS if the number 20 is entered into any of the cells in the
> range selected (and any other number of course).
> Ewan
> "PierreL" wrote:
> > I want the number 20 to display as
> > 20 WEEKS
> > I have tried (re Help)
> > 0;;;" WEEKS"@
> > and various combinations of ; spaces, the lot. Nothing works.
> > Where is the error?
> > Thanks,