If you do not want to create a seperate table for your data to look it up
in, you can do this with one singular formula. This of course would limit
your future options would you like to make changes easily, of course.
=LOOKUP(A1,{"Satisfied","Unsatisfied","Very Satisfied","Very
The largest problem I see with this is that there are two array vectors
here. The first one is the lookup vector and the latter one is the
return/result vector. The lookup vector *must* be in order sorted
ascendingly, this includes (numerically first) alphabetically; this is just
as Excel would sort a column ascendingly.
Zack Barresse, aka firefytr, (GT = TFS FF Zack)
"cmk18" <cmk18.1wjc6a_1128693902.9734@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:cmk18.1wjc6a_1128693902.9734@excelforum-nospam.com...
> I have a survey where users score things on a linguistic scale (e.g.
> Very Satisfied, Satisfied, etc.) and I want to convert that to a
> numeric score, but still keep the Linguistic Value. I was hoping there
> was a way to have a cell with the linguistic value and the a cell with
> the numeric score, but have them both show up in a dv cell.
> --
> cmk18
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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