I have a worksheet that contains relevant data (I imported the data) in 2
rows; every 2 rows is a new incidence of data.
(row 1) Hold Flag
(row 2) FIELD: YES/NO (Length=3)
(row 3) Date
(row 4) FIELD: DATE (Length=6)
and so on.
What I need, is for row 1 to be in column 1 and for row 2 to be in column 3
(same row) so that the data looks like this:
Hold Flag <empty cell> FIELD: YES/NO (Length=3)
Date <empty cell> FIELD: DATE (Length=6)
Can anyone help me?
Excel doesn't allow me to select and drag/drop multiple (every other) cells
at a time.
(As an added bonus, if you can tell me how to put the (length=x) into a 3rd
column that would be great.!!)
I have very limited knowledge of programming in Excel. This spreadsheet has
over 5000 rows and I can't do this manually.