>> like to manually copy the data

Have you try to insert the column with the day formulas and use AutoFilter on that column ?

Activate AutoFilter:
Select a cell in your data table and use Data>Filter>AutoFilter to activate AutoFilter.
Tip: Shortcut for the English version is Alt d f f

In each header cell a dropdown will appear next to your field name.
Click on the dropdown in the Day field (with the day formula) and choose the day you want

Copy the filter result
1) Be sure that the active cell is in the data range
2) Press Ctrl * to select all data or use F5>Special>Current region>OK
3) Press Alt ; to select all visible data or use F5>Special>Visible cells only>OK
4) Ctrl c or Edit>Copy
5) Select the worksheet
6) Ctrl v or Edit>Paste
7) Select the Source sheet with the filter
8) Press Esc
9) Press Alt d f f or Data>Filter>AutoFilter to turn off AutoFilter

Regards Ron de Bruin

<jonpdavies@gmail.com> wrote in message news:1127923077.017318.76610@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com...
> thanks for the reply, i dont think i have made myself very clear.
> i have a source sheet which data gets inputted into daily...i would
> like to manually copy the data to 7 additional spreadsheets within the
> workbook. the 7 additional spreadsheets are called Monday, Tuesday and
> so on.
> the data columns range from E to AR