I'm assuming that the subset of valid numbers in a single column on a separate
worksheet (sheet2, column A).
You could insert a new column in you original master data.
Use a formula like:
and drag down
Then filter by that column.
The True's are matches (valid). The False's don't match.
So filter to show the True and then copy those visible rows to your new
(Or just leave it in place and keep one copy of the data???)
Cloudfall wrote:
> Sorry for this question but its late in the day and I need the answer
> tomorrow. I have a "master" spreadsheet with records in rows with
> unique numbers in the "ABN" column (in column "E"). I have a subset of
> "ABN"s which are valid. I want to use this subset somehow to copy valid
> rows of records from the "master" spreadsheet to another spreadsheet I
> have created. I think you can do this with vLookup, I think I have done
> this before with vLookup, but I can no longer understand my own notes
> on how to do this. I want to do this manually, not using VBA. Thanking
> you now for any assistance and I will definitely get back to everyone
> with my feedback.
Dave Peterson