Friend of mine manages the membership list for a club, about 500 or so,
using Excel as the program.
It contains the usual; names, addresses, phone numbers, skill levels.
Presently there are five levels.
As can be expected, the list constantly changes with members moving to
different levels, coming or leaving the club. There has to be periodic
reports to the executive of the numbers in each category.
I suggested adding a couple of blank lines after each category and using the
CountA function to count the number of members in each category but I'm not
very good at Excel either.
The category beside each member is identified by A for advanced, I1, I2, I3
for intermediate levels and beg for beginner level.
Can the formula be adapted to count the number of "a" etc. in the list?
Another cell could be used to count the total membership.
How would other users approach the task?