In addition to Kike's software, consider looking into PopTools, a free
add-in with *many* features, among them tools to help you with MC simulation
and bootstrapping.
Dave B
"TheRobsterUK" <>
wrote in message
> Has anyone ever created a spreadsheet that used Monte Carlo Simulation?
> I've been able to create one that works using the random number
> generator in conjunction with discrete probability distributions -
> that's fairly easy, just assign a probability to each discrete value in
> the distribution and then decide whether or not to select it using a
> randomly generated number.
> However, I want to perform a Monte Carlo simulation that uses a
> -continuous- (not discrete) probability distribution, but have no idea
> how I would use the random number generator to then select a value from
> the distribution based on its probability of occurance.
> I know it can be done, I just have no idea how!
> Anyone done anything like this before?
> Cheers
> -Rob
> --
> TheRobsterUK
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