You could select a range (B2:B7 for 20 to 30).

Then do Edit|fill|series
There's an option in there for linear.

Or you could click the Trend box and use Linear or Growth.

This does the a linear version for each step in code:

Option Explicit

Sub testme()
Dim TopCell As Range
Dim BotCell As Range
Dim FirstRow As Long
Dim myStep As Double

With ActiveSheet
FirstRow = 2

Set BotCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)

Set TopCell = BotCell.End(xlUp)

myStep = (BotCell.Value - TopCell.Value) _
/ (BotCell.Row - TopCell.Row)

With .Range(TopCell, BotCell)
.DataSeries Rowcol:=xlColumns, _
Type:=xlLinear, Date:=xlDay, Step:=myStep, _
End With

Set BotCell = TopCell
If BotCell.Row <= FirstRow Then
Exit Do
End If
End With

End Sub

It does assume that you don't have any values in column B that are
adjacent--there always has to be a gap.

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

Triv wrote:
> I have a list of data in which I would like to fill in the gaps. Is this
> possiable?
> I have age in years in A2 to A100 then data in colums in 5 year gaps (eg B2
> has data then B7 then B12 etc) all incremental. I would like to fill in the
> gaps belween giving me data B2, B3, B4... to B100.
> How can I fill in the gaps whilst still making sure my 5 year results are
> left.
> Simple example below
> age Result
> 45 20
> 46
> 47
> 48
> 49
> 50 30
> 51
> 52
> 53
> 54
> 55 50
> Many Thanks for any help


Dave Peterson