I think Ron forgot to add to change the Call to Application.Run <bg>.

This "worked" for me if I spelled "doesitexist" as "NoItDoesNot".

Option Explicit
Sub aaaa()
On Error Resume Next
Application.Run ThisWorkbook.Name & "!doesitexist"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub doesitexist()
MsgBox "yes"
End Sub

Ron Rosenfeld wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 10:51:55 +0200, "Jack Sons" <j.sons@planet.nl> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >In the code below ABCD can be executed if it is a subroutine - sub ABCD() -
> >in a module elsewhere in the same project. If ABCD is a not an existing sub
> >the execution will halt, an error message wil appear on screen and a sound
> >wil be produced. Fore some reason I want to hear that sound but I don't want
> >the the program to halt. If possible it would be nice if also the message
> >box does not appear, but I need to hear the error sound. To my regret I did
> >not succeed with the code below.
> >
> >Anybody who knows what code is needed to let the program continue when
> >execution comes to the line with the undefined ABCD but do let the error
> >message sound hear?
> >
> >Jack Sons
> >The Netherlands
> >
> >
> >Sub ingnoreABCD()
> >........... ' here the program already did some things
> >Application.DisplayAlerts = False
> >Application.DisplayAlerts = True
> >.............. ' here I want to do what the program should do
> >End Sub
> >

> Take a look at the On Error statement and also the Beep statement.
> --ron


Dave Peterson