Hi all,
In the code below ABCD can be executed if it is a subroutine - sub ABCD() -
in a module elsewhere in the same project. If ABCD is a not an existing sub
the execution will halt, an error message wil appear on screen and a sound
wil be produced. Fore some reason I want to hear that sound but I don't want
the the program to halt. If possible it would be nice if also the message
box does not appear, but I need to hear the error sound. To my regret I did
not succeed with the code below.
Anybody who knows what code is needed to let the program continue when
execution comes to the line with the undefined ABCD but do let the error
message sound hear?
Jack Sons
The Netherlands
Sub ingnoreABCD()
............ ' here the program already did some things
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
............... ' here I want to do what the program should do
End Sub