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conditionally hide/unhide rows

  1. #1

    conditionally hide/unhide rows

    Hello all,

    New to the group and was looking for some formatting help. I have a
    rather extensive financial model that covers approximately 400-500 rows

    on the inputs sheet. I'd like to set up a separate input that will
    consolidate unused rows / columns. For example, the model enables a
    user to input up to 5 types of capital investment, if a specific user
    only has 1 type I'd like them to be able to type "1" in an input cell
    and the required number of rows automatically appear. This way, they
    are not staring at 300-400 rows that they are now even using.

    I'm a fairly advanced excel user and have explored options with
    conditional formatting as well as outlining but have not come up with a

    solution. I'm sure the answer is simple, I'm just not finding it.

    Certainly, if there are alternative solutions I'm open to suggestions.

  2. #2
    Anne Troy

    Re: conditionally hide/unhide rows

    Try something like this AJ:
    Anne Troy

    "ajbazinet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hello all,
    > New to the group and was looking for some formatting help. I have a
    > rather extensive financial model that covers approximately 400-500 rows
    > on the inputs sheet. I'd like to set up a separate input that will
    > consolidate unused rows / columns. For example, the model enables a
    > user to input up to 5 types of capital investment, if a specific user
    > only has 1 type I'd like them to be able to type "1" in an input cell
    > and the required number of rows automatically appear. This way, they
    > are not staring at 300-400 rows that they are now even using.
    > I'm a fairly advanced excel user and have explored options with
    > conditional formatting as well as outlining but have not come up with a
    > solution. I'm sure the answer is simple, I'm just not finding it.
    > Certainly, if there are alternative solutions I'm open to suggestions.

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