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vlookup on double criteria

  1. #1

    vlookup on double criteria

    Hello there,

    I have a table with columns Expiry / Strikes / ... / ... / Price with
    hundreds of lines

    Basically I need to retrieve the field price corresponding to one line
    meeting two criteria of Expiry and Strike (as for exemple Decembre and
    Unfortunately a Vlookup would not do it as I would be only to search
    for whether December or 55. I would be fine if I had only one search
    criteria, if I am right.

    Any idea of how should I process would be welcomed!

    best regards

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    I like this syntax:


    daniroy@gmail.com wrote:
    > Hello there,
    > I have a table with columns Expiry / Strikes / ... / ... / Price with
    > hundreds of lines
    > Basically I need to retrieve the field price corresponding to one line
    > meeting two criteria of Expiry and Strike (as for exemple Decembre and
    > 55)
    > Unfortunately a Vlookup would not do it as I would be only to search
    > for whether December or 55. I would be fine if I had only one search
    > criteria, if I am right.
    > Any idea of how should I process would be welcomed!
    > best regards
    > Daniel


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    thank you once again Dave, but maybe should I give more colours, as
    currently I am not able to implement your solution ...

    On the Sheet called "Implied Dividend", cell(Q,2) is showing 5325 as a
    value, lets call it the strike.
    On the Sheet called "Implied Dividend", cell(D,5) is showing 21/10/2005
    as a date.

    Another sheet called "FTSE" display 400 lines, and, lets say 12
    Lines are first sorted by date (16/09/2005, 21/10,2005 ... only one
    date per month) and then per strike: 4525,4625,4725...

    My goal is to be able to return the value in column E, for example,
    corresponding to the price, for the line corresponding to 21/10/2005
    for the date and 5325 for the strike ...

    And I still have no clue of how to proceed ...

    best regards

  4. #4

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    One way ..

    In Implied Dividend:
    Put this in say, E5, and array-enter the formula
    (i.e. press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):

    Dividend'!D5)*(FTSE!B1:B400='Implied Dividend'!Q2),0))

    It's v.similar to what Dave suggested earlier, except perhaps for a missing
    "0" in Dave's range: $c$1:$c$100, the formula's array-entering, and the fact
    that we drive on the left over here, i.e. the criteria ranges, e.g. ..
    (FTSE!A1:A400='Implied Dividend'!D5) .. are preferred on the left side of
    the equal sign, rather than on the right <g>
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8
    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > thank you once again Dave, but maybe should I give more colours, as
    > currently I am not able to implement your solution ...
    > On the Sheet called "Implied Dividend", cell(Q,2) is showing 5325 as a
    > value, lets call it the strike.
    > On the Sheet called "Implied Dividend", cell(D,5) is showing 21/10/2005
    > as a date.
    > Another sheet called "FTSE" display 400 lines, and, lets say 12
    > columns.
    > Lines are first sorted by date (16/09/2005, 21/10,2005 ... only one
    > date per month) and then per strike: 4525,4625,4725...
    > My goal is to be able to return the value in column E, for example,
    > corresponding to the price, for the line corresponding to 21/10/2005
    > for the date and 5325 for the strike ...
    > And I still have no clue of how to proceed ...
    > best regards
    > Daniel

  5. #5
    Dave Peterson

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    Thanks for the amplification.

    I never noticed the missing 0 and forgot the array entered warning.

    (So it was pretty much perfekt!)

    And you've never seen me drive!

    Max wrote:
    > One way ..
    > In Implied Dividend:
    > -----------------
    > Put this in say, E5, and array-enter the formula
    > (i.e. press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):
    > =INDEX(FTSE!E1:E400,MATCH(1,(FTSE!A1:A400='Implied
    > Dividend'!D5)*(FTSE!B1:B400='Implied Dividend'!Q2),0))
    > It's v.similar to what Dave suggested earlier, except perhaps for a missing
    > "0" in Dave's range: $c$1:$c$100, the formula's array-entering, and the fact
    > that we drive on the left over here, i.e. the criteria ranges, e.g. ..
    > (FTSE!A1:A400='Implied Dividend'!D5) .. are preferred on the left side of
    > the equal sign, rather than on the right <g>
    > --
    > Rgds
    > Max
    > xl 97
    > ---
    > Singapore, GMT+8
    > xdemechanik
    > http://savefile.com/projects/236895
    > --
    > <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:1126100392.132557.290620@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com...
    > > thank you once again Dave, but maybe should I give more colours, as
    > > currently I am not able to implement your solution ...
    > >
    > > On the Sheet called "Implied Dividend", cell(Q,2) is showing 5325 as a
    > > value, lets call it the strike.
    > > On the Sheet called "Implied Dividend", cell(D,5) is showing 21/10/2005
    > > as a date.
    > >
    > > Another sheet called "FTSE" display 400 lines, and, lets say 12
    > > columns.
    > > Lines are first sorted by date (16/09/2005, 21/10,2005 ... only one
    > > date per month) and then per strike: 4525,4625,4725...
    > >
    > > My goal is to be able to return the value in column E, for example,
    > > corresponding to the price, for the line corresponding to 21/10/2005
    > > for the date and 5325 for the strike ...
    > >
    > > And I still have no clue of how to proceed ...
    > >
    > > best regards
    > > Daniel
    > >


    Dave Peterson

  6. #6

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    It's a pleasure to be able to help out a little, one who has helped
    countless others many times over, including this writer !
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8

  7. #7

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    Absolutely! Sorry I did not come back earlier to thank you, but I had
    to leave office early yesterday. Dave contribution is huge indeed, and
    thanks a lot to Max too. This group is wonderfull for excel and vba
    illeterrate people as me, without any decent IT support!

    thanks agains

  8. #8

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    Max, Dave,

    Post your replies, I took some time to implement the formula you
    Up to now, here is what I achieved to setup:
    this formula is indeed briging me the value I am aiming for, but
    unfortunatelly, only for the very first"Expiry"

    To make myself more clear, my spreadsheet is build has follow
    Column F Column G Column K
    Expiry Strike Price
    16/09/2005 5225 52
    16/09/2005 5325 46
    16/09/2005 5425 44
    16/09/2005 5525 38
    16/09/2005 5625 36
    21/10/2005 5225 72
    21/10/2005 5325 64
    21/10/2005 5425 59
    16/09/2005 5525 55
    16/09/2005 5625 51

    I am thus retrieving 46 according Cell Q2 = 5325 in the formula
    It is indeed fine if I want to retrieve the Price for Expiry :
    Septembre and Strike : 5325
    But I still do not understand what should I do to retrieve Prices for
    October expiry???

    To be honest, I do not really understand the logic behind the
    MATCH(1,(FTSE!A1:A400='Implied Dividend'!D5)*(FTSE!B1:B400='Implied
    Dividend'!Q2) in Max formula. May be is that linked ?

    Best regards, and be sure I appreciate your help !


  9. #9
    Dave Peterson

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    This portion of the formula:

    (FTSE!A1:A400='Implied Dividend'!D5)
    Will return an array of 400 true/falses (depending if A1:A400 match D5 in
    implied dividend)

    (FTSE!B1:B400='Implied Dividend'!Q2)
    This will return a separate array of 400 trues/falses based on B1:B400 and Q2.

    If you put True in A1 and True in B1 and put this formula in C1: =a1*b1
    You'll see that True*True = 1
    Change A1 or B1 to False (cycle through all 4 combinations) and you'll see that

    true*true = 1
    true*false = 0
    false*true = 0
    false*false = 0

    So when we multiply those 400 elements of the first array by their corresponding
    elements in the second array, you'll end up with an array of 400 1's and 0's.

    will return the index into that array that matches 1 (3 in my example).

    will return the value when both criteria are true.

    A couple of nice things about that syntax (with all the corrections that Max

    You can add more ranges pretty easily--just include it in the multiplication.

    And it doesn't suffer from the same problem that concatenating cells might

    Col A Col B Col C
    aaaa bbb 1
    aaa abbb 2

    Concatenating A&B would result in a string of "aaaabbb" in both cases which
    would cause trouble if you wanted the second line.

    You could insert a separator--but you'd have to know your data to make sure you
    used a character that wouldn't be used.

    Since it looks like the days in your dates could vary, you could use a formula
    like to eliminate the day in the date:

    (one cell)

    This is an array formula. Hit ctrl-shift-enter instead of enter. If you do it
    correctly, excel will wrap curly brackets {} around your formula. (don't type
    them yourself.)

    Adjust the range to match--but you can't use the whole column.

    daniroy@gmail.com wrote:
    > Max, Dave,
    > Post your replies, I took some time to implement the formula you
    > suggest.
    > Up to now, here is what I achieved to setup:
    > =INDEX(FTSE!$F$10:$K$500,MATCH(Q2,FTSE!$G$10:$G$500,0),6)
    > this formula is indeed briging me the value I am aiming for, but
    > unfortunatelly, only for the very first"Expiry"
    > To make myself more clear, my spreadsheet is build has follow
    > Column F Column G Column K
    > Expiry Strike Price
    > 16/09/2005 5225 52
    > 16/09/2005 5325 46
    > 16/09/2005 5425 44
    > 16/09/2005 5525 38
    > 16/09/2005 5625 36
    > 21/10/2005 5225 72
    > 21/10/2005 5325 64
    > 21/10/2005 5425 59
    > 16/09/2005 5525 55
    > 16/09/2005 5625 51
    > I am thus retrieving 46 according Cell Q2 = 5325 in the formula
    > =INDEX(FTSE!$F$10:$K$500,MATCH(Q2,FTSE!$G$10:$G$500,0),6)
    > It is indeed fine if I want to retrieve the Price for Expiry :
    > Septembre and Strike : 5325
    > But I still do not understand what should I do to retrieve Prices for
    > October expiry???
    > To be honest, I do not really understand the logic behind the
    > MATCH(1,(FTSE!A1:A400='Implied Dividend'!D5)*(FTSE!B1:B400='Implied
    > Dividend'!Q2) in Max formula. May be is that linked ?
    > Best regards, and be sure I appreciate your help !
    > Daniel


    Dave Peterson

  10. #10

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    As a complement to Dave's clear explanations (thanks, Dave !) on the formula

    Here's a link to a demo file where I've tried to replicate your set-up,
    with a suggested implementation:
    File Name vlookup on double criteria_daniroy_gen.xls

    Your posted source data is faithfully replicated in sheet: FTSE
    data within F10:K19

    In sheet: Implied Dividend
    Assumed set-up

    In Q2 down are the strike prices: 5325,5225, 5625, etc ...

    In R1 across are the dates*: Sep-05, Oct-05, Nov-05, etc >>
    *1st of month dates, e.g.: 1-Sep-2005, 1-Oct-2005
    formatted as: mmm-yy

    The formula placed in R2,
    and array-entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER:


    R2 is then copied across and filled down as required to populate the table


    And perhaps better with error trapping to return blanks: ""
    instead of ugly #N/As for unmatched cases,

    In sheet: Implied Dividend (2)
    Formula placed in R2, array-entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER:


    R2 copied across and filled down as required as before
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8

  11. #11

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    Dave, Max, thank you so much for your incredible explanations! Not only
    the solution is working absolutely fine but I am now also able to
    understand the logic behind it. Thanks again, Max, for the spreadsheet!

    Best regards

  12. #12

    Re: vlookup on double criteria

    You're welcome !
    Glad to hear that and thanks for the feedback ..
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8
    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Dave, Max, thank you so much for your incredible explanations! Not only
    > the solution is working absolutely fine but I am now also able to
    > understand the logic behind it. Thanks again, Max, for the spreadsheet!
    > Best regards
    > Daniel

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