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List first letter upper case

  1. #1
    Bob Frolek

    List first letter upper case

    Column B in a spreadsheet has a single word in each cell. Some words
    begin with an upper case letter, others with a lower case letter. Can
    someone please tell me a simple way to extract a list of those rows
    where the word in column B begins with an upper case letter?

  2. #2
    Bob Umlas

    Re: List first letter upper case

    Enter this in, say, F2:
    Then select column B, use Data/Filter/Advanced filter. Enter F1:F2 in the
    Criteria range, then click OK.

    Bob Umlas
    Excel MVP

    "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Column B in a spreadsheet has a single word in each cell. Some words
    > begin with an upper case letter, others with a lower case letter. Can
    > someone please tell me a simple way to extract a list of those rows
    > where the word in column B begins with an upper case letter?

  3. #3

    Re: List first letter upper case




    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    D1, copied down:


    ....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.

    Hope this helps!

    In article <1124215185.498946.49840@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>,
    "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote:

    > Column B in a spreadsheet has a single word in each cell. Some words
    > begin with an upper case letter, others with a lower case letter. Can
    > someone please tell me a simple way to extract a list of those rows
    > where the word in column B begins with an upper case letter?

  4. #4
    Bob Frolek

    Re: List first letter upper case

    Tried this one, Bob. All that happened was that the rows with data,
    2-9003, disappeared.

    Bob Umlas wrote:
    > Enter this in, say, F2:
    > =EXACT(LEFT(B2,1),UPPER(LEFT(B2,1)))
    > Then select column B, use Data/Filter/Advanced filter. Enter F1:F2 in the
    > Criteria range, then click OK.
    > Bob Umlas
    > Excel MVP
    > "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > news:1124215185.498946.49840@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com...
    > > Column B in a spreadsheet has a single word in each cell. Some words
    > > begin with an upper case letter, others with a lower case letter. Can
    > > someone please tell me a simple way to extract a list of those rows
    > > where the word in column B begins with an upper case letter?
    > >

  5. #5
    Bob Frolek

    Re: List first letter upper case

    Thanks, Domenic. Tried this and the result in C1 was the number 1.
    Copying the formula second formula to D1 and dragging it down, didn't
    produce any results.

  6. #6

    Re: List first letter upper case

    In article <1124289592.837574.39400@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>,
    "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote:

    > Thanks, Domenic. Tried this and the result in C1 was the number 1.
    > Copying the formula second formula to D1 and dragging it down, didn't
    > produce any results.

    Make sure that you confirm both formulas with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not
    just ENTER. In other words, after you type the formula, hold both the
    CONTROL and SHIFT keys down, then hit the ENTER key. Excel will place
    braces around the formula, indicating that you've entered it correctly.

    Does this help?

  7. #7
    Bob Frolek

    Re: List first letter upper case

    Afraid not, Domenic. The first formula writes the number 1 in C1. The
    second formula copies B1 (which begins with a capital letter) to D1,
    but not if I change B1 to lower case. But copying the formula in D1
    down (or copying both formulas down) gives only blank cells in D2
    onwards, irrespective of leading upper or lower case first letter.

    Domenic wrote:
    > In article <1124289592.837574.39400@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>,
    > "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    > > Thanks, Domenic. Tried this and the result in C1 was the number 1.
    > > Copying the formula second formula to D1 and dragging it down, didn't
    > > produce any results.

    > Make sure that you confirm both formulas with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not
    > just ENTER. In other words, after you type the formula, hold both the
    > CONTROL and SHIFT keys down, then hit the ENTER key. Excel will place
    > braces around the formula, indicating that you've entered it correctly.
    > Does this help?

  8. #8
    Valued Forum Contributor mudraker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Melbourne, Australia

    Here is 2 more ways


    The Proper Command

    Capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow any character other than a letter. Converts all other letters to lowercase letters.



    Text is text enclosed in quotation marks, a formula that returns text, or a reference to a cell containing the text you want to partially capitalize.

  9. #9

    Re: List first letter upper case

    If B1:B10 contains the following...


    ....the first formula, entered in C1, will return 3 indicating that there
    are three cells that begin with a capital letter. The second formula,
    entered in D1 and copied down, will return the following...


    Is this what you're looking for? If so, and you're still having
    problems, I can send you a sample. If this isn't what you're looking
    for, can you provide more details?

    In article <1124420811.083185.253720@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>,
    "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote:

    > Afraid not, Domenic. The first formula writes the number 1 in C1. The
    > second formula copies B1 (which begins with a capital letter) to D1,
    > but not if I change B1 to lower case. But copying the formula in D1
    > down (or copying both formulas down) gives only blank cells in D2
    > onwards, irrespective of leading upper or lower case first letter.

  10. #10
    Bob Frolek

    Re: List first letter upper case

    Thanks for sticking with this, Domenic. Apologies for the delay in
    replying, caused by a trip out of town.
    Yes, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
    If I open a fresh worksheet and paste your dog...goat list into B1:B10,
    check that there are no leading blanks in each cell, then paste formula
    1 into C1, it reports 0. Here is formula 1 for a cross check on whether
    I've garbled it:

    Domenic wrote:
    > If B1:B10 contains the following...
    > dog
    > cat
    > Horse
    > cow
    > Hawk
    > Eagle
    > mouse
    > bird
    > swan
    > goat
    > ...the first formula, entered in C1, will return 3 indicating that there
    > are three cells that begin with a capital letter. The second formula,
    > entered in D1 and copied down, will return the following...
    > Horse
    > Hawk
    > Eagle
    > Is this what you're looking for? If so, and you're still having
    > problems, I can send you a sample. If this isn't what you're looking
    > for, can you provide more details?
    > In article <1124420811.083185.253720@o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>,
    > "Bob Frolek" <BobFrolek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    > > Afraid not, Domenic. The first formula writes the number 1 in C1. The
    > > second formula copies B1 (which begins with a capital letter) to D1,
    > > but not if I change B1 to lower case. But copying the formula in D1
    > > down (or copying both formulas down) gives only blank cells in D2
    > > onwards, irrespective of leading upper or lower case first letter.

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