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My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.

  1. #1

    My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.

    I am trying to eliminate the spaces between digits in Australian
    Business Numbers which have the format "NN NNN NNN NNN" to produce an
    eleven digit number with no spaces. I have written a function to do
    this that appears to work. I now want to call this function from a
    subroutine to change about 3000 numbers. The subroutine is causing me
    headaches. Here is my space-eliminating function:

    Function RemoveSpaces(CellContents As String) As String
    Do While InStr(1, CellContents, " ") > 0
    CellContents = Replace(CellContents, " ", "")
    RemoveSpaces = CellContents
    End Function

    Here is my subroutine:

    Sub abnTidy2()
    Dim CellContents As String

    Range("E2").Select 'which contains the number 17 000 032 128
    CellContents = Selection.Value
    Do While CellContents <> Null
    Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)
    Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
    CellContents = Selection.Value
    End Sub

    Cell "E2" contains the number "17 000 032 128".

    Using the debugger, I step all the way to "Do While CellContents <>
    Null", and the next time I "step into" it jumps to "End Sub". Now, my
    "Locals" window confirms that ell "E2" contains the string "17 000 032
    128", so it isn't null. So, if CellContents is not Null, the debugger
    should step to the function call "Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)". It
    doesn't do this and I can't figure out why.

    Can anybody help, please? Also, criticisms / comments / style tips
    regarding my code would be warmly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.

    Update on above. I got my subprocedure to loop by changing it to a
    "Do...Loop Until" loop(although I'm not sure it will stop looping for
    the same reason that the "Do While...Loop" wouldn't start) but now my
    space-eliminating function isn't eliminating spaces. It was the other
    day. I don't know what has changed. Here is my "Do...Loop Until"

    Sub abnTidy2()
    Dim CellContents As String

    CellContents = Selection.Value
    Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)
    Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
    CellContents = Selection.Value
    Loop Until CellContents = Null
    End Sub

    Can debuggers debug Functions without having to write a subprocedure to
    call them? I tried to debug my "Function RemoveSpaces(CellContents As
    String) As String" function from within it ("step into") and the cursor
    just sat there and blinked at me.

    I'm sorry about all the stupid questions. I've just started coding a
    project again after a break of a few years and I need to work up some
    momentum. Every time I think something is obvious, it isn't. When I do
    get things working, they sometimes stop working. You need to do this
    stuff all day, every day, to get confidence, which I don't yet have.
    However, it appears that I will be doing this for some time to come.

  3. #3
    Haldun Alay

    Re: My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.


    Do While CellContents <> Null


    Do While Len(CellContents) > 0

    even there is nothing in the cell, .Value property returns zero-length

    Kind regards.

    Haldun Alay

    "Cloudfall" <SydneyCloudfall@hotmail.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
    >I am trying to eliminate the spaces between digits in Australian
    > Business Numbers which have the format "NN NNN NNN NNN" to produce an
    > eleven digit number with no spaces. I have written a function to do
    > this that appears to work. I now want to call this function from a
    > subroutine to change about 3000 numbers. The subroutine is causing me
    > headaches. Here is my space-eliminating function:
    > Function RemoveSpaces(CellContents As String) As String
    > Do While InStr(1, CellContents, " ") > 0
    > CellContents = Replace(CellContents, " ", "")
    > Loop
    > RemoveSpaces = CellContents
    > End Function
    > Here is my subroutine:
    > Sub abnTidy2()
    > Dim CellContents As String
    > Sheets("Scratch").Select
    > Range("E2").Select 'which contains the number 17 000 032 128
    > CellContents = Selection.Value
    > Do While CellContents <> Null
    > Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)
    > Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
    > CellContents = Selection.Value
    > Loop
    > End Sub
    > Cell "E2" contains the number "17 000 032 128".
    > Using the debugger, I step all the way to "Do While CellContents <>
    > Null", and the next time I "step into" it jumps to "End Sub". Now, my
    > "Locals" window confirms that ell "E2" contains the string "17 000 032
    > 128", so it isn't null. So, if CellContents is not Null, the debugger
    > should step to the function call "Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)". It
    > doesn't do this and I can't figure out why.
    > Can anybody help, please? Also, criticisms / comments / style tips
    > regarding my code would be warmly appreciated.

  4. #4

    Re: My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.

    Haldun, thank you, it worked. I also worked out all my other problems.

  5. #5
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.


    There was no need for any code at all! You had to select the range with
    phone numbers, select from Edit menu 'Replace', define a single space (' ',
    without quotes) in 'Search for' field, leaving 'Replace with' field empty,
    and click on 'Replace All' button. And it would be done.

    When some numbers started with 0's, and you did want to preserve them, then
    or you had to format the range as Text at start, or at end you had to format
    the range (where all entries were converted to numbers, except the cell
    format was text before) as Custom "00000000000".

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    "Cloudfall" <SydneyCloudfall@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    >I am trying to eliminate the spaces between digits in Australian
    > Business Numbers which have the format "NN NNN NNN NNN" to produce an
    > eleven digit number with no spaces. I have written a function to do
    > this that appears to work. I now want to call this function from a
    > subroutine to change about 3000 numbers. The subroutine is causing me
    > headaches. Here is my space-eliminating function:
    > Function RemoveSpaces(CellContents As String) As String
    > Do While InStr(1, CellContents, " ") > 0
    > CellContents = Replace(CellContents, " ", "")
    > Loop
    > RemoveSpaces = CellContents
    > End Function
    > Here is my subroutine:
    > Sub abnTidy2()
    > Dim CellContents As String
    > Sheets("Scratch").Select
    > Range("E2").Select 'which contains the number 17 000 032 128
    > CellContents = Selection.Value
    > Do While CellContents <> Null
    > Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)
    > Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
    > CellContents = Selection.Value
    > Loop
    > End Sub
    > Cell "E2" contains the number "17 000 032 128".
    > Using the debugger, I step all the way to "Do While CellContents <>
    > Null", and the next time I "step into" it jumps to "End Sub". Now, my
    > "Locals" window confirms that ell "E2" contains the string "17 000 032
    > 128", so it isn't null. So, if CellContents is not Null, the debugger
    > should step to the function call "Call RemoveSpaces(CellContents)". It
    > doesn't do this and I can't figure out why.
    > Can anybody help, please? Also, criticisms / comments / style tips
    > regarding my code would be warmly appreciated.

  6. #6

    Re: My "Do While...Loop" wont loop and delete the spaces between my digits.

    Hi Arvi,

    Thanks for your suggestion. I implemented your recommendation. It
    executes much faster and just is a much better implementation.


    Terry R.

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