Ron, with your last suggestion (see at end below) it seems I was heading in
the right direction except the whole command string line does not work.
maunually entering your whole suggesyed string of "0;"0.00";0 " returns an
error while hiliting the last digits ";0".
help pleasee
"Ron Rosenfeld" wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:20:03 -0700, brit64 <>
> wrote:
> >hi Don - I must be doing something wrong. If I understood your suggestion
> >correctly, I needed to modify what you gave me by inserting MY formula where
> >so indicated. In so doing, I get the following formula:
> >=if((=sum(AE193*0.15))<0,0,(=sum(AE193*0.15)))
> >which does not work.
> >MY original formula is:
> >=SUM(AE193*0.15)
> >this formula currently returns a negative value which I do not want to show,
> >rather whenever this formula returns a negative value it should display
> >0.00, and if it returns a positive value, then that positive value should be
> >displayed. This spreadsheet is a dynamically linked to an online data source
> >of real time values that continuously change and update, hence the need for
> >the formula value to automatically update itself as the cell values
> >dynamically imported to the sheet are modified.
> >Thanks again for the help !
> >peter in Tucson, AZ
> >
> >"Don Guillett" wrote:
> You state you want to "display" negative numbers a certain way.
> To do that, you merely need to custom format the cells in which these numbers
> are stored:
> Select the appropriate cells.
> Format/Cells/Number/Custom Type: 0;"0.00";0
> --ron