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Store row number after a find

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  1. #1

    Store row number after a find

    Following a find command I want to store the row number to a variablke and
    use that to move to a columb on that row

  2. #2

    RE: Store row number after a find

    what column? same column? different column?


    "Alan" wrote:

    > Following a find command I want to store the row number to a variablke and
    > use that to move to a columb on that row

  3. #3

    RE: Store row number after a find


    Any column on that row. Real problem is storing the 'found' row number to a

    "FSt1" wrote:

    > hi,
    > what column? same column? different column?
    > Regards
    > FSt1
    > "Alan" wrote:
    > > Following a find command I want to store the row number to a variablke and
    > > use that to move to a columb on that row

  4. #4

    RE: Store row number after a find

    if you are using the built in find then you do have a problem. try this...
    Sub macfindrow()
    dim rn as string
    dim rng as range
    dim therow as long

    rn = inputbox("enter something to find")
    if rn <> "" then
    Set rng = nothing
    Set rng = range("A1:IV65536").Find(what:=rn, _
    After:=Range("A1"), _
    Lookin:=xlformulas, _
    Lookat:=xlpart, _
    SearchOrder:=xlbyrows, _
    SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    end if
    therow = rng.row
    msgbox "Found at cell " & rng.address
    msbbox "The row number is " & therow
    end sub

    therow is the variable

    "Alan" wrote:

    > Hello,
    > Any column on that row. Real problem is storing the 'found' row number to a
    > variable
    > "FSt1" wrote:
    > > hi,
    > > what column? same column? different column?
    > >
    > > Regards
    > > FSt1
    > >
    > > "Alan" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Following a find command I want to store the row number to a variablke and
    > > > use that to move to a columb on that row

  5. #5

    RE: Store row number after a find

    Dear FSt1,

    Thanks very good. I have modified slightly and now all is OK.

    What does FSt1 mean or stand for ?


    "FSt1" wrote:

    > hi,
    > if you are using the built in find then you do have a problem. try this...
    > Sub macfindrow()
    > dim rn as string
    > dim rng as range
    > dim therow as long
    > rn = inputbox("enter something to find")
    > if rn <> "" then
    > Set rng = nothing
    > Set rng = range("A1:IV65536").Find(what:=rn, _
    > After:=Range("A1"), _
    > Lookin:=xlformulas, _
    > Lookat:=xlpart, _
    > SearchOrder:=xlbyrows, _
    > SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    > MatchCase:=false)
    > end if
    > therow = rng.row
    > msgbox "Found at cell " & rng.address
    > msbbox "The row number is " & therow
    > end sub
    > therow is the variable
    > Regards
    > FSt1
    > "Alan" wrote:
    > > Hello,
    > >
    > > Any column on that row. Real problem is storing the 'found' row number to a
    > > variable
    > >
    > > "FSt1" wrote:
    > >
    > > > hi,
    > > > what column? same column? different column?
    > > >
    > > > Regards
    > > > FSt1
    > > >
    > > > "Alan" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > > Following a find command I want to store the row number to a variablke and
    > > > > use that to move to a columb on that row

  6. #6

    RE: Store row number after a find

    my name is Frank Stone
    FSt one
    how do you spell the number 1


    "Alan" wrote:

    > Dear FSt1,
    > Thanks very good. I have modified slightly and now all is OK.
    > What does FSt1 mean or stand for ?
    > Alan
    > "FSt1" wrote:
    > > hi,
    > > if you are using the built in find then you do have a problem. try this...
    > > Sub macfindrow()
    > > dim rn as string
    > > dim rng as range
    > > dim therow as long
    > >
    > > rn = inputbox("enter something to find")
    > > if rn <> "" then
    > > Set rng = nothing
    > > Set rng = range("A1:IV65536").Find(what:=rn, _
    > > After:=Range("A1"), _
    > > Lookin:=xlformulas, _
    > > Lookat:=xlpart, _
    > > SearchOrder:=xlbyrows, _
    > > SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    > > MatchCase:=false)
    > > end if
    > > therow = rng.row
    > > msgbox "Found at cell " & rng.address
    > > msbbox "The row number is " & therow
    > > end sub
    > >
    > > therow is the variable
    > >
    > > Regards
    > > FSt1
    > > "Alan" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Hello,
    > > >
    > > > Any column on that row. Real problem is storing the 'found' row number to a
    > > > variable
    > > >
    > > > "FSt1" wrote:
    > > >
    > > > > hi,
    > > > > what column? same column? different column?
    > > > >
    > > > > Regards
    > > > > FSt1
    > > > >
    > > > > "Alan" wrote:
    > > > >
    > > > > > Following a find command I want to store the row number to a variablke and
    > > > > > use that to move to a columb on that row

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