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Setting the magnification to a range of cell's

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    Setting the magnification to a range of cell's

    I have a work book that is used by many users who have different resolutions on their PCs's. Is there anyway i can get the workbook to adjust itself on open so that a certain range of cells set by me fill the workbook.

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Setting the magnification to a range of cell's

    You can maximize the application window.
    You can maximize the worksheet window.
    and you can set the zoom percentage to show what you have selected.
    (all in code)

    Option Explicit
    Sub auto_open()
    Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
    ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
    Application.Goto Worksheets("sheet2").Range("a1:x1"), scroll:=True
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
    End Sub

    ceemo wrote:
    > I have a work book that is used by many users who have different
    > resolutions on their PCs's. Is there anyway i can get the workbook to
    > adjust itself on open so that a certain range of cells set by me fill
    > the workbook.
    > --
    > ceemo
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ceemo's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=10650
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=396899


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Is there any way to get the magnification to auto adjust and keep to the size of the window even if it is changed. Those allowing me to deactivate the scroll bars. Obviouslythis will mean that if the window is mae to small there is a chance that the user will not be able to read the worksheet?

  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Setting the magnification to a range of cell's

    Are you asking if there is a way to not let the user change the zoom?

    I don't think that there is 100% effective way. You could disable the zoom icon
    on the toolbar and the View|Zoom option. But users could reset the toolbar or
    even just run a macro (like you did).

    But you could change the zoom level back to whatever you want each time the user
    changes a selection.

    I wouldn't do this, though.

    There are lots of people who have vision problems. Why make their life more
    miserable. And for those who don't have vision problems, why disable a feature
    that might be useful to them?

    ceemo wrote:
    > Is there any way to get the magnification to auto adjust and keep to the
    > size of the window even if it is changed. Those allowing me to
    > deactivate the scroll bars. Obviouslythis will mean that if the window
    > is mae to small there is a chance that the user will not be able to
    > read the worksheet?
    > --
    > ceemo
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ceemo's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=10650
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=396899


    Dave Peterson

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