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Excel adds phantom decimal places: why?

  1. #1
    Dave O

    Excel adds phantom decimal places: why?

    By coincidence, two posts today have asked about Excel adding phantom
    decimal places to entries:



    I have experienced this as well: when I enter a dollar amount with just
    2 decimal places and convert those values to variables in VBA code,
    Excel adds trailing decimal places. These do not affect the dollar
    value, but they do create problems when performing a comparison, such
    If TotalBux = 0 Then (etc)
    In this example, the value of TotalBux can be so close to zero that it
    makes no effective difference: except that mathematically it does not
    equal zero due to the decimal places, creating an internal logic flaw.

    The workaround is to round to an appropriate number of decimal places,
    but why does this happen?

  2. #2
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Excel adds phantom decimal places: why?



    In article <[email protected]>,
    "Dave O" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > The workaround is to round to an appropriate number of decimal places,
    > but why does this happen?

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