hello all
I am using the following formula to pull information from one sheet and place it on another.
=IF(ISNA(HLOOKUP(B1,FieldHours!$A2:FieldHours!IV200,2,FALSE)),"NOT LISTED",(HLOOKUP(B1,FieldHours!$A2:FieldHours!IV200,2,FALSE)))
The document is used to track field time and other info.
The problem that i am having is that every week i get the book and excel has changed the first and second FieldHours!$A2 to a $ref!.
I can not figure out why excel is doing this.
should i be using something other than IV200 for the end of my search.
Is there any way to keep excel from changing my fomulas. If i go back and make it the same as it was it seems to work for that sheet only.
If anyone would like to see the book let me know and i will email it to you.
Dbalish at roncomachine com