Put this in A31, and copy down.
Empty cells will give you zero. You can then convert the formulas to hard
data: Copy the entire column, then paste it over itself with Edit - Paste
special - Values. Now you don't need the stuff in columns B, C, etc.
Earl Kiosterud
"jims" <jims@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I have data in 50 columns and 30 rows.
> I would like to know how to either copy or move the data in the next
> columns
> to the next row of the previous column without using "copy and paste"
> because
> there are too many columns and I think there is a better way to do this.
> What I mean is that I want to have only one column combining all data from
> 50 different columns into one column.
> So it looks like this after moving or copying the data from columns into
> one
> column.
> column A
> ------------
> A1
> ...
> A30
> B1 ( data in the column B is now in the next row in the column A at the
> 31st
> row)
> ...
> B30
> .....
> ...
> AX1 ( data in the column AX is now in the next row in the column A at the
> 1471st row)
> ...
> Ax30
> Thank you
> Jim