Say I've named the range of rows 10 through 50 as "Rowset."

Then I want to put a formula in C8 that returns how many cells in C10:C50 are equal to "0".

I can use COUNTIF(C:C Rowset,"0"), which works fine.

But what if I also want to do the same thing in D8, E8, etc. Do I have to explicity say

COUNTIF(D:D Rowset,"0")
COUNTIF(E:E Rowset,"0")

etc.? Or is there some way I can refer to the current column without naming it?

I realize I can define the first formula as above and then copy and paste to get corresponding formulas in the other cooumns. I just wondered if there was one formula I could define so that it would work the same in any column.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Jim Guinness
Eastern Massachusettts, USA