I have a large table which was created via lookups from other tables. Many of the entries are (or should be) blank. After the table was created, I converted everything to values (Paste Special/Values) in order to save memory. However, the table now contains a null string or other unprintable character in each of the "blank" cells. Thus, if I use END-DN or END-UP to find the next value in the table, the cursor goes to the end of the table, as it sees something in each cell. If I edit a "Blank" cell, I see no characters, and if I select the formula bar & hit ENTER, the cell becomes truly blank.

I realize this is similar to the issue MJ had a few weeks ago, in fact I found this forum via a Google search which turned up that thread. None of the methods proposed there appear to address the issue of making a blank cell truly blank. I'm hoping some of you have a method to do this short of selecting the cells & deleting the null strings manually, as the spreadsheet is much too large to do this way.
