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OT: Recipes

  1. #1
    David J. Braden

    OT: Recipes

    I'm moving into a nice spot with my girlfriend, who is a bit stymied by my
    rather large collection of math and stat-oriented reference works, and
    (sigh) weird stuff I got when I was a prof. In trying to organize all this
    in our new digs, she suggested that "Lean Thinking" and "Numerical Recipes
    in C" might be better placed in the kitchen (I kid you not, though I'm happy
    to report she was kidding).

    Kinda gets me wondering how regular folks view the titles we tend to hang on
    to; somehow, Dave Luenberger's classic "Optimization by Vector Space
    Methods" doesn't sound like a good source for pork-butt dry rubs, but who

    Any other titles out there that have culinary overtones?


  2. #2
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Recipes

    "David J. Braden" <dbraden@nomail.invalid> wrote...
    >Kinda gets me wondering how regular folks view the titles we tend to
    >hang on to; somehow, Dave Luenberger's classic "Optimization by Vector
    >Space Methods" doesn't sound like a good source for pork-butt dry
    >rubs, but who knows?!?


    I think I got you beat: "A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails". Pity no one ever
    wrote "How to Cook the Books with Excel".

  3. #3
    Jim Cone

    Re: Recipes


    I think that last set of skills..."How to cook the books..." is usually
    acquired on the job.

    Jim Cone
    San Francisco, USA (the city that knows how)

    "Harlan Grove" <hrlngrv@aol.com> wrote in message
    "David J. Braden" <dbraden@nomail.invalid> wrote...
    >Kinda gets me wondering how regular folks view the titles we tend to
    >hang on to; somehow, Dave Luenberger's classic "Optimization by Vector
    >Space Methods" doesn't sound like a good source for pork-butt dry
    >rubs, but who knows?!?

    I think I got you beat: "A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails".
    Pity no one ever wrote "How to Cook the Books with Excel".

  4. #4
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Recipes

    In article <ulH3LpXmFHA.3544@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl>,
    "Harlan Grove" <hrlngrv@aol.com> wrote:

    > I think I got you beat: "A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails". Pity no one ever
    > wrote "How to Cook the Books with Excel".

    IIRC, that was an internal Enron document...

  5. #5
    Janice Blanks

    Re: OT: Recipes

    JE McGimpsey Wrote:
    > In article ulH3LpXmFHA.3544@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl,
    > "Harlan Grove" hrlngrv@aol.com wrote:
    > -
    > I think I got you beat: "A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails". Pity no
    > one ever
    > wrote "How to Cook the Books with Excel".-
    > IIRC, that was an internal Enron document...

    Hi! Dave,
    This is Janice Blanks from St.Louis, I participated in MYEP at
    Washington University and you taught one of the classes. I was
    wondering if we could connect and talk. Please let me know.


    Janice Blanks

  6. #6
    Dave Peterson

    Re: OT: Recipes

    Janice is looking for Dave Braden.

    Janice Blanks wrote:
    > JE McGimpsey Wrote:
    > > In article ulH3LpXmFHA.3544@TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl,
    > > "Harlan Grove" hrlngrv@aol.com wrote:
    > > -
    > > I think I got you beat: "A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails". Pity no
    > > one ever
    > > wrote "How to Cook the Books with Excel".-
    > >
    > > IIRC, that was an internal Enron document...

    > Hi! Dave,
    > This is Janice Blanks from St.Louis, I participated in MYEP at
    > Washington University and you taught one of the classes. I was
    > wondering if we could connect and talk. Please let me know.
    > Janice
    > --
    > Janice Blanks


    Dave Peterson

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