Bill Martin -- (Remove NOSPAM from address)
Re: My Calculation Mode Changed to Manual Somehow?!?
Jeb wrote:
> I opened some Excel files that I have been working on. All of these files
> are pretty well established and the formulas have worked fine up until now.
> When I tried to make a few changes this morning, none of the numbers would
> update. After some searching around I discovered that my "Calculation" tab
> had somehow changed to "Manual." I know I didn't change it and, even though
> these worksheets are out on a project network at work, I don't think there's
> any reason why anyone else would have changed it.
> The problem has been resolved, but it is a little disturbing. Any idea how
> or why something like this may have happened?
Macros are capable of turning it off. Lots of macros turn off calculation, then
do whatever they're supposed to, and then restore recalc (if they remember to do
so). Have you run a new file recently, or an old one which someone else may
have tweaked? Or did you get half way through a macro and interrupt it before
it got to the restore recalc point perhaps? That's happened to me.
Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless you see it recur. In which case
you need to be aware of what all files you've touched recently to see if a
pattern develops.
Good luck...