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To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

  1. #1

    To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    Hi there

    I have to create 500 lines of almost identical VBA code. Code is

    Range("y10").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z10").Value,
    Range("y11").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z11").Value,
    Range("y12").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z12").Value,

    and so on untill

    Range("y500").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z500").Value,

    What is the most logical way to proceed, please ?

    All the best

  2. #2
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?


    For i=10 To 500
    Range("y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z" & i).Value,
    ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x" & i)
    Next For

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi there
    > I have to create 500 lines of almost identical VBA code. Code is
    > Range("y10").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z10").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x10")
    > Range("y11").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z11").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x11")
    > Range("y12").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z12").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x12")
    > and so on untill
    > Range("y500").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z500").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x500")
    > What is the most logical way to proceed, please ?
    > All the best
    > Daniel

  3. #3

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    Thank you Arvi, isn it suppose to be Next i at the end of the code ? It
    is not working with Next For at the end. I receive the following
    message: "Compile Error: Expected: variable".

    Moreover, when I impliement the code with Next i at the end I receive
    the following error message:
    "Run-Time error '1004': Goal Seek method of Range class failed

    Sorry to be a pain, but help is appreciated !

  4. #4
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?


    Sorry, my mistake! It really must be
    Next i

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thank you Arvi, isn it suppose to be Next i at the end of the code ? It
    > is not working with Next For at the end. I receive the following
    > message: "Compile Error: Expected: variable".
    > Moreover, when I impliement the code with Next i at the end I receive
    > the following error message:
    > "Run-Time error '1004': Goal Seek method of Range class failed
    > Sorry to be a pain, but help is appreciated !
    > Regards
    > DR

  5. #5

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    Thanks very much Arvi. Up to now, the formula is:


    Sub GoalSeek()


    For i = 10 To 400

    Range("y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z" & i).Value,
    ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x" & i)

    Next i

    End Sub


    But it is not working, I receive error message ...

    To give more colors, I in facts want to add another criteria.
    I want to implement the macro if and only if column Z is an integer, I
    mean if column Z>0+epsilon.
    Have you, or anybody, an idea of what should I do?

    thanks for any help

  6. #6
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?


    Sub GoalSeek()

    For i = 10 To 400
    Sheets("FTSE").Range("X" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("Z" &
    i).Value, ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("Y" & i)
    Next i

    End Sub

    This works for me, when there is a formula in every cell in range
    FTSE!X10:X400 - otherwise the error "Reference is not valid!" is returned
    when the row without formula is reached. Into column Y on sheet FTSE are
    calculated values, for which formulas in column X (formulas refer to column
    Y as argument) on same sheet return same values as in according rows in
    column Z on currently active sheet. NB! Values in column Z may be on any
    sheet in workbook! You select a sheet with return values, start the
    procedure - and new values for FTSE!Y10:Y400 are calculated. (And unexcepted
    values are returned, when the formula in column X doesn't refer to column Y
    at all.)

    In your code, as you selected FTSE at start, active sheet was always FTSE.
    When this was what you wanted initially, then why did you use ActiveSheet
    instead of Sheets("FTSE") - or why didn't you use ActiveSheet everywhere
    there (really it doesn't matter, but it is a bad style to mix things in such

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks very much Arvi. Up to now, the formula is:
    > ---
    > Sub GoalSeek()
    > Sheets("FTSE").Select
    > For i = 10 To 400
    > Range("y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z" & i).Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x" & i)
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > ---
    > But it is not working, I receive error message ...
    > To give more colors, I in facts want to add another criteria.
    > I want to implement the macro if and only if column Z is an integer, I
    > mean if column Z>0+epsilon.
    > Have you, or anybody, an idea of what should I do?
    > thanks for any help
    > Daniel

  7. #7

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    you are right Arvi, it is a bad mix ... so here is the "proper" code

    Sub GoalSeek()

    For i = 10 To 400


    Range("Y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("Z" & i).Value,
    ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("X" & i)

    Next i

    End Sub

    But it is still not working as I receive the following error message
    "GoalSeek method of Range class failed"

    Idea ?


    And how can I skip to run the goalseek (when it will be working) if,
    for example, cells Z10 to Z15 are empty ?


  8. #8
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?


    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > you are right Arvi, it is a bad mix ... so here is the "proper" code
    > Sub GoalSeek()
    > For i = 10 To 400
    > Sheets("FTSE").Select
    > Range("Y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("Z" & i).Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("X" & i)
    > Next i
    > End Sub
    > But it is still not working as I receive the following error message
    > "GoalSeek method of Range class failed"
    > Idea ?

    But ... maybe the sheet FTSE is protected?

    And check in object browser, is GoalSeek function the member of class
    Excel.Range (it must be).

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

  9. #9

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    No, the sheet is not protected, and GoalSeek is indeed part of the
    Range Class ... I am lacking of solutions ....

  10. #10
    Duke Carey

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    I seem to recall that if the GoalSeek input cell's value is generating an
    error in the target cell *before* the value gets changed by code, the
    GoalSeek command generates an error before it executes. I had to seed the
    input cell with a valid start before executing the GoalSeek command.

    "daniroy@gmail.com" wrote:

    > No, the sheet is not protected, and GoalSeek is indeed part of the
    > Range Class ... I am lacking of solutions ....

  11. #11
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?


    Start from beginning.

    Create a new workbook with a sheet FTSE
    Create a procedure
    Sub GoalSeek()

    For i = 10 To 400
    Sheets("FTSE").Range("X" & i).GoalSeek
    Goal:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("Z" & i).Value, ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").
    Range("Y" & i)
    Next i

    End Sub
    Into cell X10 on FTSE enter the formula
    Copy the formula into range X10:X400
    Close VBA-editor and start the procedure - when all was right, then you
    get -1 into range Y10:Y400
    When it worked until this, replace the formula in FTSE!X10 with your own
    one, and start the procedure again.
    When you get an error, try with parts of your formula - for case the problem
    is in your formula.
    When you get the procedure working with formula, enter test value into cell
    Z10, and run the procedure again - maybe the problem is there
    So step-by-step you can allocate your problem and fix it. When it is fixed
    for row 10, you can copy the formula into range X10:X400, and enter (Copy
    from original workbook) the rest of test values

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > No, the sheet is not protected, and GoalSeek is indeed part of the
    > Range Class ... I am lacking of solutions ....

  12. #12

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    I should of sent how I did the code. It was done in an Excel spreadsheet
    with this formula:
    Put 10 to 500 in column A and the above formula in column B

    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi there
    > I have to create 500 lines of almost identical VBA code. Code is
    > Range("y10").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z10").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x10")
    > Range("y11").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z11").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x11")
    > Range("y12").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z12").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x12")
    > and so on untill
    > Range("y500").GoalSeek Goal:=ActiveSheet.Range("z500").Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Sheets("FTSE").Range("x500")
    > What is the most logical way to proceed, please ?
    > All the best
    > Daniel

  13. #13

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?

    thanks a lot everybody, I appreciate your help and I may need you again
    in a close future.
    The real problem was that the goalseek was unable to run because the
    very first row did not have any data to reach for. Thus I did add a
    rule to check if first row must be taken into consideration or not.

    Here is the final code. Thank you again everybody.


    For i = 10 To 500

    If Range("z" & i) <> "" Then

    Range("Y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=Range("Z" & i).Value,
    ChangingCell:=Range("X" & i)
    Range("Y10").GoalSeek Goal:=706, ChangingCell:=Range("X10")
    End If

    Next i

    End Sub

  14. #14
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: To Generate 500 almost identical VBA Lines?


    Why to recalculate row 10 along with every row?

    If Range("Z10")<>"" Then
    Range("Y10").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("Z10").Value,
    Range("Y10").GoalSeek Goal:=706, ChangingCell:=Range("X10")
    End If
    For i=11 To 500
    If Range("z" & i) <> "" Then
    Range("Y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=Range("Z" & i).Value,
    ChangingCell:=Range("X" & i)
    End If
    Next i

    Arvi Laanemets

    <daniroy@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > thanks a lot everybody, I appreciate your help and I may need you again
    > in a close future.
    > The real problem was that the goalseek was unable to run because the
    > very first row did not have any data to reach for. Thus I did add a
    > rule to check if first row must be taken into consideration or not.
    > Here is the final code. Thank you again everybody.
    > Sheets("FTSE").Select
    > For i = 10 To 500
    > If Range("z" & i) <> "" Then
    > Range("Y" & i).GoalSeek Goal:=Range("Z" & i).Value,
    > ChangingCell:=Range("X" & i)
    > Range("Y10").GoalSeek Goal:=706, ChangingCell:=Range("X10")
    > End If
    > Next i
    > End Sub

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