Good call! Dying to know if you're right...
~Anne Troy
"Dave Peterson" <> wrote in message
> Since you're seeing the SaveAs dialog, it sounds like excel knows that
this file
> can't be overwritten.
> If you look at the title bar, do you see [Read-Only] there?
> If you do, then either the user opened the workbook in readonly mode. Or
> file could have its attributes set to ReadOnly (via windows explorer???).
Or it
> could mean that the user doesn't have write access to that drive/folder.
> If there's another user who has the file open, this user may have ignored
> message that said it was in use and answered "yes" to the readonly prompt.
> ==========
> Arrrrrrgggggggghhhh!
> My "real" guess (after re-reading your post).
> I bet that user who is having the trouble double clicks on the file in
> explorer to open it.
> If you walk by that user's pc and ask them to rightclick on that file (in
> windows explorer), you should see one option in bold letters. For most
> Open should be the default action for .xls files.
> But I'm guessing you see New in bold. That means that windows/excel will
> that file (and all .xls files) as a template.
> One way to fix this is:
> Close Excel and
> Windows Start Button|Run
> excel /unregserver
> then
> Windows Start Button|Run
> excel /regserver
> The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
> factory defaults.
> =========
> Yeah, I could have deleted that first portion of my post. But it was a
lot of
> typing and it could have been useful <vbg>.
> dmtech wrote:
> >
> > I just re-checked to make sure of the extension, it is definitly xls.
> > filename is the current month and day as 5-29 for today when you click
on the
> > save icon you get a Save as box with a filename of 5-291 with an
extension of
> > xls with the default folder selected instead of the folder where the
> > came from. Prior to this week, when you click on the save icon it just
> > the file over the original. This system is used by several people, on
> > different shifts, week-end shifts, and fill-ins for vacations and sick
> > The file is an event log and the officer on duty enters data in at least
> > an hour, everything has worked OK for the past several years and just
> > to have problems, no one will admit to makeing any changes in the file.
> > Re-installing the master, which is write protected on the network makes
> > improvement. The same master installed on other computers works OK.
> > --
> > dmtech
> >
> > "Anne Troy" wrote:
> >
> > > 1,2,3? Sounds like the file was saved as a template. Are you sure the
> > > name is XLS and not XLT?
> > > *******************
> > > ~Anne Troy
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "dmtech" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > Using Excel97. when my user opens a file, makes changes and then
> > > the
> > > > save icon, it used to save the changes to the file that was
> > > > opened, now it brings up a save as dialog box, adds a 1,2,3.... to
> > > > filename and saves it in the default folder instead of where it came
> > > > How do I put it back to the way it was
> > > > --
> > > > dmtech
> > >
> > >
> > >
> --
> Dave Peterson