I'm using XL2000 here and it works.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

"Steve" <msv@ods.inv> wrote in message
> Dave Peterson <petersod@verizonXSPAM.net> wrote:
> >> >> If I highlight several numbers in a column, Excel will indicate the
> >> >> sum. But it always shows that sum as a positive number, even if

> >> >> actually negative. Is there any way to change this behavior?
> >>
> >> >If I selected my cells, then ctrl-clicked on an empty cell (general

> >> >then the statusbar showed the sum in general format.
> >> >Maybe you could try it as a workaround.
> >>
> >> Sounds good, but I just tried it, and there was no change in the
> >> status bar sum. Must be doing something wrong...

> >I just tried it again (I use xl2003) and when I hit that ctrl-click on

the empty
> >cell, the number on the statusbar changed from 2 to -2 (it was negative

all the
> >time).

> I'm using xl2000, maybe that's why it doesn't work?