
MS should review the various add-ins available on the web and seek to use
many of those features in their next edition. New worksheet functions such
as GETELEMENT(), SUMCOLOR() and many many more would be great. Color in
particluar is a nightmare, so many users like to adopt color but from an
analytical perspective it's impossible to work with, you can't incorporate
within formula, you can't filter etc. etc.

Also, look at ASAP Utilities, they have heaps of cool utilities that make a
difference, something as small as unhiding all sheets can be a great time
saver. The links control within edit is far too basic, I use find/delete

Finally, pivot tables are too restrictive, MS should allow users to develop
more complex caculated fields etc.

I love Excel, but I must say that each time a new version in launched I'm a
little dissapointed, the new features are few and far between and hardly of
any significance. Filters on Pivot Tables - honestly that doesn't make me
car to upgrade! MS seem to have slowed down...


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