have a go.

After the paste you may have to use <>data<>text to columns<>

Greetings from New Zealand
Bill K
"Iamxerocool" <Iamxerocool.1rrqeg_1120687514.9545@excelforum-nospam.com>
wrote in message
> Hey, i have to put some stuff into excel, and it was sent to me looking
> like this (not in excel):
> mike blue 23 42 53 132
> 25
> mike red 66 4 43 632
> 67
> jane likened 234 53 74 65
> 64
> jane fly 243 33 365 3465
> 3456
> The data is not accurate, and not really important, other than the
> duplicate mike mike jane jane. Is there any way i can copy this whole
> thing, and just paste it into a spreadsheet? other than going through
> and putting it into each and every cell? thanks
> --
> Iamxerocool
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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