Copy all of the titles to a helper column
Sort by the helper column
copy everything to a second helper column
for all of the Titles starting with "A ..."
in the second helper column
to get rid of the A space
for all of the "An ..."
for all of the "The ...
copy the second Helper column and paste special values over the first helper
column and sort by this column
Whenever you add a new movie add the full title to the main list and an
appropriately modified title to the second list
and sort by the second list

"Mr B" wrote:

> Howdy,
> I have a spreadsheet with all the movies I own. I want to sort it out by
> title but I don't want it to sort based on the word The, A, An, etc. Is
> there any way to do this in Excel without typing the name with the word at
> the end?
> I don't want to type the names like:
> Mummy, The
> But I want it to sort based on the M.
> Thanks.