Originally Posted by
Gord Dibben
Try right-clicking on the Axis and Format Axis>Scale.
Set the number of points to be shown in "number of categories between tick
mark labels" or "number of categories between tick marks".
Gord Dibben Excel MVP
On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 07:55:29 -0500, retawol
<retawol.1rp6qf_1120568798.2714@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote:
>Is it possible to control how many markers to show on a graph. For
>example in a graph with 500 points, I would like only to have a marker
>for every 25 points, but I still want the graph to "line thorugh" all
>points. I know I can delete a marker by selecting it and press delete,
>but with a lot of data point that is a lot of work....