I have a spreadsheet that has two worksheet. Worksheet "start" has two
columns - Column A is a date Column B is a number - rows contain dates and
continuous numbers EX Row 1 = 0000417 Row 2 = 0000418 Row 3 = 0000419 -
each with a date of 060105.
Worksheet "clear" has two columns - basically the same as Worksheet "start"
- difference is they are not in sequence and not always the same numbers and
they are scrambled. I don't want to sort this data.
I would like to use Worksheet "Clear" - Take the first Row and determine
if the first Number is on Worksheet "start" - if it is then tell me what the
date is from Worksheet "start" - if not then leave it blank and repeat this
for all given numbers.
I am unable to get the RANGE to work for each individual cell on Worksheet
"clear". It works cell by cell but not by range.
EX of formula tested
The results show {TRUE;FALSE;FALSE....
So that the last value is the only thing that appears in this cell -
therefore getting a NONE result because the last result is FALSE... once the
value is met - I'd like to search the rest of the cells to pull each date for
each item...