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percentage not working right

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question percentage not working right

    I have a 21 column worksheet. Once a month the managers send in there evolutions. Once they come in I mark them as complete and then add up the number that we received and come up with the % that is complete for the month.

    I finally made this in an excel spearsheet, but the % calulations comes out wrong. example: if we had 6 out of 21 come in then the percentage should be 30%. Well it comes back as 600%. I have tried to fix it, but it won't work. What am I doing wrong?

    winnie is

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor mudraker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Melbourne, Australia
    Please post details include formulas on how you are trying to calculate your %

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: percentage not working right

    You may want to post more of your formulas.

    Somewhere along the line, you should have a formula that looks like:

    or something that gets divided by something else)
    (with the cell formatted as percentage.)

    winnieluvpooh wrote:
    > I have a 21 column worksheet. Once a month the managers send in there
    > evolutions. Once they come in I mark them as complete and then add up
    > the number that we received and come up with the % that is complete for
    > the month.
    > I finally made this in an excel spearsheet, but the % calulations comes
    > out wrong. example: if we had 6 out of 21 come in then the percentage
    > should be 30%. Well it comes back as 600%. I have tried to fix it,
    > but it won't work. What am I doing wrong?
    > winnie is
    > --
    > winnieluvpooh
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > winnieluvpooh's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=24509
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=381042


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4

    Re: percentage not working right

    This doesn't add up,
    If you format cells as 'Percentage'
    6 divided by 21 is 28.57%
    21 divided by 6 is 350%
    To get a percentage, divide the lesser number by the greater number, but
    your examples are strange,
    If the figures you are using come from formulas then you may have a rounding
    issue but this would not put the figures that far out,
    Are you using numbers in cells formatted as text? Where does the data come
    from, ie is it from the web?

    "winnieluvpooh" <winnieluvpooh.1qzyfa_1119391549.6387@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > I have a 21 column worksheet. Once a month the managers send in there
    > evolutions. Once they come in I mark them as complete and then add up
    > the number that we received and come up with the % that is complete for
    > the month.
    > I finally made this in an excel spearsheet, but the % calulations comes
    > out wrong. example: if we had 6 out of 21 come in then the percentage
    > should be 30%. Well it comes back as 600%. I have tried to fix it,
    > but it won't work. What am I doing wrong?
    > winnie is
    > --
    > winnieluvpooh
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > winnieluvpooh's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=24509
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=381042

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