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24 Hour Calculations

  1. #1

    24 Hour Calculations

    I was wondering if anyone has a solution for calculating (in 24hr Format):
    Total Shift Hours per employee when start of shift is: 6/13/05 20:00 ending
    6/14/05 04:00.
    Once shift totals are calculated in a column, subtotal both employee weekly
    hours and company man - hours per shift.

  2. #2
    Myrna Larson

    Re: 24 Hour Calculations

    If you have entered both the date and time, as you show, in a single cell,
    then you can simply subtract the two and format as time to get the hours

    As far as the subtotals are concerned, SUMIF will work for the totals by

    If the starting times for each shift are identical for all employees (i.e.
    20:00 for all), then you can use a formula like this (start times in column B,
    end times in C, hours worked in column D):


    If the times vary a bit, say between 20:00 and 21:00, you could try


    On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 09:47:14 -0700, Nen <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I was wondering if anyone has a solution for calculating (in 24hr Format):
    >Total Shift Hours per employee when start of shift is: 6/13/05 20:00 ending
    >6/14/05 04:00.
    >Once shift totals are calculated in a column, subtotal both employee weekly
    >hours and company man - hours per shift.

  3. #3
    Dave O

    Re: 24 Hour Calculations

    Here's the short answer.
    Column A holds your labels:
    A1 = "Start"
    A2 = "End"
    A3 = "Hours"

    Column B holds the data:
    B1 = 6/13/05 20:00
    B2 = 6/14/05 04:00
    Note these two cells should be formatted as timestamps in 24 hour
    B3 is a formula: =(A2 - A1)*24
    B3 should be formatted as a number with as many significant digits as
    you require. The result in B3 should read 8.0.

    Here's the long answer: Excel treats dates as numbers and displays them
    in familiar date formats. Pick any cell, call it D1, and enter today's
    date: 6/14/2005. Excel recognizes this as a date and automatically
    formats it as such. However, if you right click cell D1 and reformat
    it as a number, you'll see the value Excel assigns to today's date is
    38517. The value of a single day is 1; to track the time of day, Excel
    uses a fraction of 1. The numeric value of 12:00 noon on June 14 2005
    is 38517.5 (half a day = half of 1 = 0.5). The formula in B3
    multiplies by 24 to convert the partial day into hours.

    How you handle subtotals of employee weekly hours and man-hours per
    shift depends on the layout of your information: anyone here on the NG
    will be glad to help, but how you have it now will determine the best
    way to treat it. Let us know if we can help!

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