When you looked for personal.xls, did you look for hidden files and through
hidden folders?

Maybe looking again using an old DOS command would help:

(Windows start button|run
for winNT/win2k (winXP): cmd
for win9*, type: command


dir c:\personal.xl* /s /ah

John Kilkenny wrote:
> Yet another question on this topic. I cannot create a macro in my personal
> macro workbook as it comes up with the error message "Personal Macro Workbook
> in the startup folder must stay open for recording". I have searched c: for
> the personal.xls file and it doesn't exist - checked start up folder and not
> there. I have detect and repaired excel. I have checked disabled items. I
> have checked hide/unhide. Can anyone help me?? am I missing something obvious?
> Cheers


Dave Peterson