You were almost there.........just move a couple of parenthisis and add for
condition that B1 should be blank if cell A1 is blank (or accidently
contains anything else)........


Incidently, the double quotes you have around the numbers actually turn
their result into TEXT format, if you want actual numbers use same formula
but just delete those double quotes, like...........


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

"MathDoctor" <> wrote in
> Any assistance is appreciated:
> Column A will list results that a team has - only possible results are
> "win", "tie", or "loss". You get three points for a win, one point for
> a tie
> and zero for a loss.
> So if A1 is a win, B1 will display "3"
> How would I write that equation. The below is not working ...
> =IF(A1="Win","3"),IF(A1="Tie","1"),IF(A1="Loss","0")
> --
> MathDoctor
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