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Extracting numbers from text

  1. #1
    The Boondock Saint

    Extracting numbers from text

    Howdy all

    Ive got the following in a cell...

    Scratched: 4-Bardon Fella, 6-Del's Boy, 10-Country View, 11-Tornado
    Storm, 12-Tudor Inn.

    And I need to extract the numbers


    each into its own cell... what would be the best way of extracting
    the numbers.....

  2. #2

    Re: Extracting numbers from text

    One way, by brute force:

    This is for 5 horses.
    Need more, just add more "Finds".






    These will return text numbers, but I'm sure you're not going to calculate
    with them.

    Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

    "The Boondock Saint" <robport@(no-spam)inspire.net.nz> wrote in message
    > Howdy all
    > Ive got the following in a cell...
    > Scratched: 4-Bardon Fella, 6-Del's Boy, 10-Country View, 11-Tornado
    > Storm, 12-Tudor Inn.
    > And I need to extract the numbers
    > 4
    > 6
    > 10
    > 11
    > 12
    > each into its own cell... what would be the best way of extracting
    > the numbers.....

  3. #3
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Extracting numbers from text

    The Boondock Saint (no-spam) wrote...
    >Ive got the following in a cell...
    >Scratched: 4-Bardon Fella, 6-Del's Boy, 10-Country View, 11-Tornado
    >Storm, 12-Tudor Inn.
    >And I need to extract the numbers
    >each into its own cell... what would be the best way of extracting
    >the numbers.....

    Simplest would be a 2 cell per result approach. If your string were in
    a cell named s, then enter the following formulas.

    A3 [array formula]:

    B3 [array formula]:

    A4 [array formula]:

    Fill B3 down into B4, then select A4:B4 and fill down as far as needed.
    The extracted numeric substrings will be in column B. The col B
    formulas will return "" when the numeric substrings have been

    If you want a 1 cell per result approach, the formulas get much longer
    and much less efficient.

    C3 [array formula]:
    =MID(s,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(-MID(s&" ",seq,1))
    -ISNUMBER(-MID(" "&s,seq,1))=1,seq),ROWS(C$3:C3)),
    -ISNUMBER(-MID(" "&s,seq,1))=1,seq),ROWS(C$3:C3)),seq)),0)-1)

    Fill C3 down as far as needed. The col C formulas will return #NUM!
    when the numeric substrings have been exhausted.

    Much more flexible would be a udf using VBScript regular expressions,
    such as the Subst function in


    (or http://makeashorterlink.com/?J17D21B3B ). Use it in formulas like


    Fill D3 down as far as needed. The col D formulas will return the
    entire string s when the numeric substrings have been exhausted.

  4. #4

    Re: Extracting numbers from text

    I would use Data > Text to columns to separate the elements into their own
    columns, then use the "ASAP Utilities" feature to delete all the Alpha
    characters, then Find&Replace any remaining undesirable characters with

    "ASAP Utilities" is a free add-in at www.ASAP-utilities.com

    Vaya con Dios,
    Chuck, CABGx3

    "The Boondock Saint" <robport@(no-spam)inspire.net.nz> wrote in message
    > Howdy all
    > Ive got the following in a cell...
    > Scratched: 4-Bardon Fella, 6-Del's Boy, 10-Country View, 11-Tornado
    > Storm, 12-Tudor Inn.
    > And I need to extract the numbers
    > 4
    > 6
    > 10
    > 11
    > 12
    > each into its own cell... what would be the best way of extracting
    > the numbers.....

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