to protect these formulas so that the figures can still be entered, but if
the delet key is used to delete a figure entered, so that the formular still
to protect these formulas so that the figures can still be entered, but if
the delet key is used to delete a figure entered, so that the formular still
Before you protect the sheet you'll need to unlock the cells in which you
want to be able key in data.
How to unlock a cell or a range of cells:
1. Right click on the cell(s) you want to unlock
2. Choose "Format Cells"
3. Click on the "Protection" tab
4. Remove the tick where it says "Locked"
Now it is time to protect the sheet.
"Sarah" wrote:
> to protect these formulas so that the figures can still be entered, but if
> the delet key is used to delete a figure entered, so that the formular still
> remains...
Hi Martin,
Is there a way to protect specific cells? I am trying to do the same thing
Sarah is doing, however, the spreadsheet I'm doing has a huge # of cells in
diff columns that info has to be changed in, and the corresponding cell in
the next column holds the formula. When you protect the sheet, then unlock
it, all the cells can be changed. If someone tabs over and hits the wrong
key, it wipes out the formula. How do we avoid this?
Thank you
"Martin" wrote:
> Before you protect the sheet you'll need to unlock the cells in which you
> want to be able key in data.
> How to unlock a cell or a range of cells:
> 1. Right click on the cell(s) you want to unlock
> 2. Choose "Format Cells"
> 3. Click on the "Protection" tab
> 4. Remove the tick where it says "Locked"
> Now it is time to protect the sheet.
> --
> Regards,
> Martin
> "Sarah" wrote:
> > to protect these formulas so that the figures can still be entered, but if
> > the delet key is used to delete a figure entered, so that the formular still
> > remains...
when you protect a sheet it gives you options of what it allows you to do. so you can select a certain range of cells then go to its properties and lock (and hide if you wish) the cells. then protect the sheet and choose the option that it should not allow you to change locked cells but allows you to change unlocked cells.
so if i understand what you are trying to do:
select all the cells that have formulas and right click then select lock
then protect your sheet with the options above.
The cells you select don't have to be a contiguous range - you can use ctrl as well.
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