I have a spreadsheet that imports data from an access database query. The database is password protected (I do have the password). I have gone to the data properties and checked the box that says "Save Password" However, when I refresh the data I get numerous prompts for the databases's password and location. Some of these pop-ups have a password already in them and some do not. I would like to have to where this prompt does not even display and the password is stored to get the new information. The data refreshes only when the form is open suing the following code in VBA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next 'Procede to next skip on alerts

Dim Test1 As Boolean 'To test If Statement

'Start at Sheet 1 or Complaint Date
Worksheets("Complaint Data").Select
Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range("A1").Select

'The remaiing code will only run as long as there is no data already in "A2"
'This prevents Excel from trying to update once it is already updated
If Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range("A2") = "" Then
Dim CDStr As Range
Dim CDStp As Range
Dim FCDRng As Range
Dim GCDRng As Range

Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Turn off all alerts while data is updated
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Use to speed up process and remove screen flicker
Workbooks(1).RefreshAll 'refresh data, pivot tables and charts
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'turn alets back on

'Range of first row of data to last row of data
Set CDStr = Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range("A2")
Set CDStp = Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range("A2").End(xlDown)
'Set up ranges to manipulate data
Set FCDRng = Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range(CDStr.Offset(0, 5), CDStp.Offset(0, 5))
Set GCDRng = Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range(CDStr.Offset(0, 6), CDStp.Offset(0, 6))

'Turn data from database that is labeled as True or False into a Yes or No
For Each c In FCDRng
If c.Value = "False" Then
c.Value = "No"
ElseIf c.Value = "True" Then
c.Value = "Yes"
End If
For Each c In GCDRng
If c.Value = "False" Then
c.Value = "No"
ElseIf c.Value = "True" Then
c.Value = "Yes"
End If

'Change focus on Pivot Chart sheet to empty cell
Worksheets("Pivot Tables").Select
Worksheets("Pivot Tables").Range("D1").Select
Worksheets("Pivot Tables").Range("I1").PivotTable.RefreshTable ' To update true false on table to Yes no
Worksheets("Pivot Tables").Range("I9").PivotTable.RefreshTable ' To update true false on table to Yes no
'Return screen updating to show new data
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Return focus to first sheet
Worksheets("Complaint Data").Select
Worksheets("Complaint Data").Range("A2").Select
Test1 = False 'only used for testing purposes
End If
End Sub