Hi Jennifer-

I believe the problem is that .csv is _not_ an Excel file format & _does
not_ support internal protection the way a .xls does. Therefore Excel's
protection is one of the features that gets stripped out when you save in
..csv format. CSV is simply a form of text file, so pw to open & read only
can't be applied from within Excel either.

You might try opening the file in a Text Editor that supports Read Only PW
protection (if there is one), or change the file's attribute to Read Only by
rt-clicking the file icon.

Good Luck |:>)

"Jennifer Boe" wrote:

> I have a .csv file created in Excel 2003 I need to protect from changes to
> cells made by any other users. The protection menus and commands all come up
> when I try to protect the file, but after it's saved changes can continue to
> be made without the password.
> Are these .csv files unprotectable? Or is there an additional step?
> Thanks so much for any assistance.
> jennifer