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Cell formats, and time difference

  1. #1
    Peter Kirk

    Cell formats, and time difference

    some simple questions which I hope someone can help with...

    I am using excel on a computer with "danish locale". This means that numbers
    are displayed default like 1234,56. How do I change this to a format using a
    decimal point (instead of a comma)?

    How do I find the difference between to times? I have cells which just have
    times (not dates), and I want to find the difference between two times in
    hours. For example cells with 08:00 and 09:30 should give a difference of
    Excel help gives an example like =TEXT(B2-A2,"h"), but this gives an


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Cell formats, and time difference


    I believe that you need to change the Regional settings in the control
    panel. On the Regional Options tab, go to Customize.

    For time, just subtract and multiply by 24 =(b2-A2)*24, and make sure the
    cell is formatted as General not time.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Peter Kirk" <pk@alpha-solutions.dk> wrote in message
    > Hi,
    > some simple questions which I hope someone can help with...
    > I am using excel on a computer with "danish locale". This means that

    > are displayed default like 1234,56. How do I change this to a format using

    > decimal point (instead of a comma)?
    > How do I find the difference between to times? I have cells which just

    > times (not dates), and I want to find the difference between two times in
    > hours. For example cells with 08:00 and 09:30 should give a difference of
    > 1.5
    > Excel help gives an example like =TEXT(B2-A2,"h"), but this gives an
    > error...
    > Thanks,
    > Peter

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