Hi there, I got this transposing problem where I have these info's (for like 700 firms) in a column, and I'd like each firm w/adress transposed to a row of its own...

Each firm consists of: name of firm, adress1, adress2 and some also adress3, like "Co'libri" here...

BOANDERSEN Kommunikation
Klosterstræde 23
1157 København K

Kongelig Hofleverandør
Klosterstræde 16
1157 København K

Roto Smeets Denmark A/S
Lille Strandstræde 20 C
1254 København K

So, what I'd like would be:

BOANDERSEN Kommunikation | Klosterstræde 23 | 1157 København K

Co'libri | Kongelig Hofleverandør | Klosterstræde 16 | 1157 København K

and so on... ("|" is just to show that name, adress1, adress2 and so on is showed in a cell each...)

If I just marked the whole column and made a transpose to a cell I'd just be getting one row with all the firms, and what I'd like is a row for each firm.

If anyone could help it would be very appreciated... :-)
