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Pasting text into merged cell

  1. #1

    Pasting text into merged cell

    I regularly complete forms created by others which have merged cells.
    Often, I'd like to get data to put into a cell from another
    application via copy-paste.

    I get the error:

    Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the selected
    area. Do you want to paste the data anyway?

    responding with OK gives:

    Cannot change part of a merged cell.

    How can I paste text into merged cells?

    TIA, George

  2. #2
    Otto Moehrbach

    Re: Pasting text into merged cell

    You have run afoul of the "merged cells" denizen. The merge cells feature
    of Excel comes with a lot of baggage, all of it bad. Your problem is just
    one example of it.
    The best thing to do is to go back to whoever has the authority to
    create/change these forms, and have them rework the forms to eliminate the
    merged cells.
    In the meantime, you have to type-in your entries instead of copy/paste.
    HTH Otto
    "GeorgeB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I regularly complete forms created by others which have merged cells.
    > Often, I'd like to get data to put into a cell from another
    > application via copy-paste.
    > I get the error:
    > Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the selected
    > area. Do you want to paste the data anyway?
    > responding with OK gives:
    > Cannot change part of a merged cell.
    > How can I paste text into merged cells?
    > TIA, George

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