I have a model with various inputs (say a, b & c) which feed complex
calculations to produce various outputs (say x, y & z). I’d like to set up a
table that shows what each input would have to be (keeping the others
constant) in order to produce certain outputs.
A simple example would be Revenue and Expense are inputs, Net Income is an
output (and assuming that the calculation of Net Income was based on a model,
not just R – E). I want to make a table that says with all else equal, in
order to make Net Income = 100 (I want this value to be adjustable based on
cell input), Revenue would have to be ????? (assuming Expense does not
change) and in another cell, Expense would have to be ????? (assuming Revenue
does not change).
The closest thing I’ve found in excel is Solver, but this only works for one
scenario since it actually adjusts the input cell. I don’t want the inputs
to adjust, I just want to know what they would have to be to produce given
output. I also want it to update based on changes to other inputs that I
make myself.
Can this be done?