I get emails from a service I use, it gives me client profiles in emails that
vary in size and lenght (foregoing zonal OCR) the data in these unstructured
emails I would like to extract are separated by semicolons as follows on
different zones of the email:
Company Name: Jones Furniture
Name: Betty Jones
Title: Office Manager
Address: 123 Main Street
City: Home town
State: AL
zip: 12345
I want to be able to export this data to either Outlook or ACT 2005, I can
print to TIF (with a printer driver I purchased) and then OCR using Office
2003 Imaging or I can print to hard copy and then OCR. The problem I am
having is that, when I import into Excel (an in between step, in order to be
able to export to the previously mentioned applications) using the
semi-colon, space and tab settings the title, address and any other data
field with a space formats into separate columns. This makes the data
useless, can anyone help with this unstructured data problem?