First, define a name for each of your tables. For this example, we'll
name the first table CustomerA, the second table, CustomerB, etc. But
don't include the column and row headers in the reference. So, for
example, if Sheet2!A1:D5 contains your first table...

Insert > Name > Define

Name: CustomerA

Refers to: =Sheet2!$B$2:$D$5

Click Add, and continue with the remaining tables. Notice the column
and row headers are not included.

Secondly, set up a table with the column and row headings only, let's
say B4:E8, something like this...

Product Classes..........2005.....2006.....2007
Premium Products
Economy Products

Then, select C5:E8 (these cells should be highlighted) and enter the
following formula...


....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER, and where B2
contains the customer name, such as CustomerA.

Hope this helps!

In article <>,
"KG" <> wrote:

> I have never used multiple tables, so I am hoping that you can steer me in
> the right direction:
> I have a list of five possible Customer names & four product classes that
> apply to all of them:
> Premium Products
> Economy Products
> Seconds
> Imports
> Then there would be be five lookup tables with commission rates; Table1 will
> apply to Customer A, Table2 to Customer B etc. All five commission tables
> would be of the same design:
> Premium Products, Economy Products, Seconds and Imports will be the row
> labels. The column headings would read 2005, 2006, 2007, etc. and in the
> intersects there will be commission rates in percent.
> So, now I want to populate a table with commission payments by product and
> by year, depending on the customer name to be entered in cell B2. If the
> Customer name is "A", I would want want to go to Table1, if Customer "B" to
> Table2, etc.
> I presume that this would require the use of MATCH and VLOOKUP, but I am not
> sure if there are other steps