for the cell in your individual file for xlnt red widgets type = and then
click on the corresponding cell in the master price list...if you have the
items listed in exactly the same way on both sheets you can then copy the
formula down...your workbooks are now linked and when you open eaach
individual file you will be asked if you want to update the data....its easy
if you can have the two sheets open side by side
the formula in the cell should look something like this for cell b2 in the
xlnt book on the widgets sheet ='[master prices.xls]xlnt widgets'!$B$2 looks
at cell b2 on the master price book xlnt widgets sheet

hope this helps

"Subash M Nair." wrote:

> I have a master price list containing different work sheets for different
> brands and also I have different files with each brands prices o it. The
> individual files are containing the same worksheet of the specefic brand in
> the Master price list. So now I want to update only the master price list and
> I want to get the different brand fils get updated automaticaly. How can i do
> this work.