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How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

  1. #1

    How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?


    I want to copy a formula with an absolute reference that needs to be
    changed after a number of cells, like:

    =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10) for the first 10 rows
    =A11/AVERAGE(A$11:A$20) for the next 10 rows
    =A21/AVERAGE(A$21:A$30) for the next 10 rows and so on

    Is there any way to obtain this result with a single copy operation,
    without having to manually edit the absolute reference?


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

    You only need to edit the first in the series, and with the F4 key that is
    not too onerous.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Lurka" <loneluke@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hello,
    > I want to copy a formula with an absolute reference that needs to be
    > changed after a number of cells, like:
    > =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10) for the first 10 rows
    > =A11/AVERAGE(A$11:A$20) for the next 10 rows
    > =A21/AVERAGE(A$21:A$30) for the next 10 rows and so on
    > Is there any way to obtain this result with a single copy operation,
    > without having to manually edit the absolute reference?
    > Thankyou,
    > /_urka

  3. #3

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

    Perhaps one way to get it to fill down directly from the starting cell

    Instead of say, in the starting cell B1: =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10)

    Try in B1:


    Copy B1 down as desired

    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
    "Lurka" <loneluke@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hello,
    > I want to copy a formula with an absolute reference that needs to be
    > changed after a number of cells, like:
    > =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10) for the first 10 rows
    > =A11/AVERAGE(A$11:A$20) for the next 10 rows
    > =A21/AVERAGE(A$21:A$30) for the next 10 rows and so on
    > Is there any way to obtain this result with a single copy operation,
    > without having to manually edit the absolute reference?
    > Thankyou,
    > /_urka

  4. #4
    Harlan Grove

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

    Max wrote...
    >Perhaps one way to get it to fill down directly from the starting cell
    >Instead of say, in the starting cell B1: =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10)
    >Try in B1:


    First a quibble. Algebraic simplification is a GOOD THING.

    (INT((ROWS($A$1:A1)-1)/10)+1)*10-10+1 == INT((ROWS($A$1:A1)-1)/10)*10+1


    (INT((ROWS($A$1:A1)-1)/10)+1)*10-10+10 ==

    The more unnecessary terms there are in a formula, the greater the
    opporunity to make typos. It's the diminished opportunity for typos
    that's the real reason shorter formulas are almost always much better
    than long formulas.

    This is an excellent example of when *NOT* to use INDIRECT. FAR SIMPLER
    to use OFFSET for deriving ranges based on geometric relationships of




    Due to brevity, I prefer the MOD variant.

    On the assumption that INDEX and ROW aren't volatile, this could be
    done in a nonvolatile way using


  5. #5
    Harlan Grove

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

    Bob Phillips wrote...
    >You only need to edit the first in the series, and with the F4 key

    that is
    >not too onerous.


    And take your vitamins too!

    You missed the 'and so on'. If the OP needs to do this down to row
    20000, that's 4000 edits. When does it become onerous?

  6. #6
    Bernie Deitrick

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?


    You've gotten an excellent answer from Harlan, but I wanted to offer an
    alternative technique, for those with less mathematical ability than Harlan
    (which is almost everybody ;-)).

    Make up your first formula:


    and copy it down for the first ten rows.

    Then select all ten cells, and do a replace of $ with nothing.

    With those cells still selected, copy them, and then in the same column
    select from row 11 to row ????, (as long as ???? is a multiple of 10) and

    Your formulas will be pasted just as you want.

    If you need to get them back to $ form for some reason, simply select all
    the cells and use a first replace of AVERAGE(A with AVERAGE($A and a second
    replace of :A with :$A

    MS Excel MVP

    "Lurka" <loneluke@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hello,
    > I want to copy a formula with an absolute reference that needs to be
    > changed after a number of cells, like:
    > =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10) for the first 10 rows
    > =A11/AVERAGE(A$11:A$20) for the next 10 rows
    > =A21/AVERAGE(A$21:A$30) for the next 10 rows and so on
    > Is there any way to obtain this result with a single copy operation,
    > without having to manually edit the absolute reference?
    > Thankyou,
    > /_urka

  7. #7

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

    Dazzling ! Thanks, Harlan.
    xl 97
    GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
    xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com

  8. #8

    Re: How to change an absolute reference while copying cells?

    Thank you very much to everybody.
    Excel is really amazing. ^-^

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