Perhaps one way to get it to fill down directly from the starting cell
Instead of say, in the starting cell B1: =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10)
Try in B1:
Copy B1 down as desired
xl 97
GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
"Lurka" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I want to copy a formula with an absolute reference that needs to be
> changed after a number of cells, like:
> =A1/AVERAGE(A$1:A$10) for the first 10 rows
> =A11/AVERAGE(A$11:A$20) for the next 10 rows
> =A21/AVERAGE(A$21:A$30) for the next 10 rows and so on
> Is there any way to obtain this result with a single copy operation,
> without having to manually edit the absolute reference?
> Thankyou,
> /_urka